A thigh lift is performed to tighten the skin around the inner thigh to form a more aesthetically pleasing frame. The outer thigh is generally not targeted in a thigh lift as liposuction and a butt lift tend to produce better results in that area of the leg.
The Thigh Lift Procedure
This procedure requires a surgical incision of varying size based on how much skin must be removed. The location of the incision is usually on the medial side of the thigh and can be adjusted based on clothing preference or overall reduction of visibility.
After the Thigh Lift Procedure
After surgery, the patient is dressed in a compression garment to limit swelling. Discomfort is generally minimal in smaller lifts, but when large amounts of skin are removed, an overnight stay in the hospital may be required. In either case, pain medication and anti-inflammatory methods will be utilized.
Light labor is normally possible after less than two weeks, while most physical activity is permissible at four to six weeks. All symptoms should be gone and scars maximally faded within six months.